
Honey Badger Gym – hbIkids

Warm-up (No Measure)

Warm-Up: Jog for 3.5 minutes then have the kids partner up. Over and Under

Have half the kids lay on their stomach and the other half standing. On your go signal those that are standing are going to jump or leap over those that are laying down. After 30 seconds have them switch. Then after both sets of kids have gone, then have half of them make a bridge using both hands and feet and have the other half crawl under one another. After 30 seconds have them switch. Challenge them to jump over and crawl under everyone multiple times.

Metcon (No Measure)

Skill: Pull Ups

-Hang from the bar for 10 seconds

-Challenge: How long can they hang from the bar?

-Hang from the bar then shrugging shoulders 5 times

-Hang from the bar and pulling themselves up to the bar as high as they can

*if they need assistance to the bar hold the bottom of their foot with one hand to push while spotting with the other hand on the calf of their leg

7 Minute AMRAP

3 pull ups

3 push ups

3 air squats

Game: Pizza Tag

Every kid gets an ab mat except one.The ab mats will be the pizzas. Those with an ab mat hold it flat on one hand. They are not allowed to use the other hand to help hold it. On your go signal everyone starts moving around the blue turf. The kid without the pizza is the tagger and will try to knock the pizzas out of the other kids’ hands. If a kid gets their pizza knocked down or they drop it, they must perform one burpee. After the burpee, they are allowed to help knocked down other pizzas. Once all the pizzas have been knocked down or 30 seconds has passed switch taggers.