
Honey Badger Gym – Fitness

Single Arm Hi Pull (establish a new 10RM in 3 sets or less)

Using a kettlebell or dumbbell, maintain controlled speed on both the up and down portion of the lift. Lead high with the elbow, keeping the weight close and centered on the body. https://vimeo.com/178529259?width=800&height=450
don’t let ego and weight drive this test, hold the standard and make moves for the future.

Metcon (Time)

Every 5:00 (4 sets)

18/14 Calorie Assault Bike

12 Alt. DB Snatch

6 Burpee Box Jump Over

RX+ 70/50 DB, 30/24″ box

RX 50/35 DB, 24/20″ box

*total time for all rounds is your score
target time is sub 2:30 each round

lets cap our work at 3:30 so we get adequate rest before starting the next round

Deadlift (OPTIONAL POST WOD 3 reps @85% E2MOM x 3 sets)